Rehabilitation stays

For our traveling patients who do not live in the district, we offer 5-day rehabilitation stays. No referral is required to book a rehabilitation stay.
The rehabilitation stay begins with a 5-hour assessment on Monday, including a thorough review of findings. We do a thorough neurological functional examination to determine which parts of the brain and nervous system are working well, and which parts have challenges and dysfunctions. This includes tests of muscle strength, reflexes, balance and coordination, fine motor control and coordination over purposeful eye movements, and physical responsiveness.
After all the tests have been performed, the patient is given a break of 1-1 ½ hours while chiropractor Kim Tore Johansen goes through the test results to map both good and bad functions in the brain and nervous system to get an idea of how rehabilitation should be initiated. The patient and any travel companion will then receive a thorough summary of the examination and how the training will begin.
In the coming days, the patient will receive 3 treatments each day with a 1 ½-2 hour break between each session before ending the day with re-tests and re-evaluation. Re-testing and re-evaluation will provide important information about whether rehabilitation has had the desired effect on the brain and nervous system dysfunction and whether rehabilitation may have the potential to improve the patient's symptoms. One of the tests that is important in re-evaluation is videonystagmography (VNG). This is a computer-based test that measures fine motor control and coordination over purposeful eye movements, giving us information about the function of specific parts of the brain involved in motor control, coordination and sensory perception, among other things.

Upward or downward adjustment of difficulty, weight and amount of exercises is decided according to how the re-tests progress and how the patient's symptoms evolve day by day. After 3 days of treatment and re-evaluations, we have a good basis for how to tailor home training. The last day of the rehabilitation stay is used to teach the patient and any travel companion how to perform the exercises. A lot of time will be spent teaching the patient how to perform the exercise with the correct technique as incorrect execution can worsen function and symptoms. In addition to a thorough review of the home exercises, the patient is provided with detailed written instructions and we film the performance of each exercise so that they are in no doubt as to how to perform the exercises.
The rehabilitation stay ends with a final re-test and re-evaluation which provides important information on how to make a short-term (2-4 weeks) and long-term (3-6 months) plan before a possible new rehabilitation stay.
Although the patient will now go home and work on home exercises on their own, we will follow up closely and adjust the exercise program downwards or upwards as needed. If necessary, we can arrange additional phone or video consultations to assess the situation and modify the rehabilitation plan accordingly.
Brain Camp is a private rehabilitation center and all costs must therefore be covered by the patient. We have partnerships with local hotels that can offer good prices for accommodation and good service. Our patient coordinator will assist the patient with hotel bookings and other practical information to make the travel and rehabilitation stay as comfortable as possible.