About us

Brain Camp has extensive experience in examining and adapting rehabilitation for children and adults with disorders resulting from neurological disease and acquired brain injury. We base our approach on the latest neuroscience research and use advanced computer-based equipment to detect functional disorders of the brain and nervous system.
When you come to us, chiropractor Kim Tore Johansen and his team will examine you and customize tailored rehabilitation. With his additional education in clinical neuroscience and neurological rehabilitation, he has for over 15 years helped children and adults of all ages with ailments resulting from neurological disease and traumatic brain injury. Including balance disorders and dizziness, dystonia, epilepsy, sequelae of encephalitis, sequelae of stroke, sequelae of traumatic head injury, complex pain syndrome, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
In our experience, it's the small details that can be the key to effective rehabilitation. Your first examination is therefore broad and comprehensive, and lasts about 5 hours. The examination includes tests that challenge, among other things, muscle strength and reflexes, how the brain processes and coordinates different sensory impressions, balance and coordination, and fine motor control over purposeful eye movements.
Among other things, we use videonystagmography (VNG), which is a computer-based examination equipment that measures various forms of purposeful eye movements. The reason we use this test is that purposeful eye movements give us important information about the function of specific parts of the brain and nervous system. Including parts of the brain involved in physical movement, balance and coordination, and cognitive and executive functions.
Another important computer-based test we use is computer-based balance measurement. Computer-based balance measurement gives us information about, among other things, how the brain perceives the body's orientation, and how the brain coordinates and processes different sensory impressions simultaneously. This includes movement information from joints and muscles in the arms and legs, movement information from joints and muscles in the back and neck, balance signals from the balance organ in the inner ear, and visual impressions and visual orientation.

All the tests we do are important, but the computer-based tests are particularly useful to us as they give us objective information about how the brain and nervous system function and are affected by rehabilitation. We therefore repeat several of the tests, including all the computer-based tests after 3 treatments to evaluate how the brain and nervous system have responded to rehabilitation. Based on this information, we can tailor further rehabilitation plan and customize home exercises.
Once we have adapted home exercises, the patient should work on the home exercises on their own for a week before we re-test to see if any changes are needed. In some cases, we see that the same exercises that initially improve the tests can become too strenuous in combination with other everyday activities and result in worsening of several tests. For optimal effect of home exercises, we therefore need to re-evaluate whether there is a need for adjustments in terms of the complexity of the exercises and the amount of exercises during a day and week. Once we have found the right level of difficulty and amount of home exercises, the patient will work with exercises on their own for a period of 4-8 weeks before we re-test and re-evaluate to see if we can move on to more challenging exercises that can further improve function. If the re-evaluation shows that the patient is ready for the next phase of rehabilitation, we will create new exercises that the patient works with for a week before a new re-test and re-evaluation. If the re-evaluation shows that the exercises affect the brain and nervous system as desired, the patient will work on the exercises themselves for 3-5 months before the next re-evaluation.