Chronic concussion syndrome

Concussion - What happens to the brain? PART 1

Concussion - What happens to the brain? PART 1
Cortical network illustration. In a concussion, the brain's network communication is disrupted, making it more challenging to coordinate and process different sensory impressions. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, difficulty concentrating, brain fog and fatigue.

Every year, more than 600 people per 100,000 suffer a concussion, commotio cerebri. The concussion occurs as a result of a direct or indirect impact to the head that causes the brain to experience an acceleration force and shake inside the head. This "brain shaking" causes physical tensile damage to the nerves that triggers several biochemical reactions. The tensile damage and biochemical reactions result in immediate functional disturbances, including something called excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is a reaction following damage to nerve cells where there is a leakage of substances dedicated to, among other things, activating nerve cells, including something called glutamate. This leakage causes nerve cells to become hyper-sensitive to stimulation or overactive, and can set off a chain reaction that further damages nerve cells. At the same time as nerve cells become hyper-sensitive to stimulation, the brain's immune cells, including microglia, which are necessary for "controlled" inflammation after trauma to the brain, are activated. This immune response is necessary to initiate the natural healing process after injury.

These dysfunctions at the cellular level in combination with the physical tensile damage to nerve fibers cause a domino effect of dysfunctions in the brain that make it more challenging to function normally.  

See how the brain moves inside the skull during a direct blow to the head:

See what happens to the brain in a car accident:

These primary functional disorders resulting from the concussion initiate a domino effect of secondary functional disorders in both external (cortical) and internal (subcortical) parts of the brain. Including parts of the brain involved in processing and coordinating multiple sensory impressions simultaneously (multisensory integration), which are responsible for synchronizing the activation of several different centers with different properties in the brain simultaneously to perform both physical and cognitive tasks (cross modal activation), while both cortical and subcortical areas that are not normally activated during certain tasks are activated in people who have suffered a concussion and mild traumatic brain injury. Research has shown that disrupted synchronization between the brain's reception of sensory information and production of motor signals results in impaired neuroplasticity and learning. This is one of the reasons why it is very difficult to find effective treatments that can reduce symptoms and improve quality of life in children and adults with chronic concussion syndrome, post-concussion syndrome.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout life by forming new connections and strengthening existing networks. This process can occur in response to learning, experience and injury and enables the brain to adapt and repair. Neuroplasticity underpins our cognitive and motor development, memory and ability to learn new skills.

fMRI and EEG show functional disturbance in the outer and inner parts of the brain in chronic concussion syndrome.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an investigative method used to study the functions and structures of the brain. This technique uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the brain and its activity. fMRI works by measuring changes in blood flow and oxygen levels in different parts of the brain. When an area of the brain is more active, blood flow to that area increases to deliver more oxygen and nutrients. This leads to a change in the oxygen level in the blood, which is called blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) contrast. fMRI can detect this BOLD contrast, revealing which areas of the brain are active during different tasks and mental processes. fMRI is often used in research to study how different parts of the brain cooperate and communicate with each other, for example by mapping networks of neural connections.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method that measures electrical activity in the brain. This examination method records electrical signals from the brain using small electrodes placed on the scalp.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method that measures electrical activity in the brain. This examination method records electrical signals from the brain using small electrodes placed on the scalp.
The electrodes measure fluctuations in electrical activity that occur when neurons (brain cells) communicate with each other and display brain functions and processes. Including areas involved in motor function, attention, perception and memory.
The electrodes measure fluctuations in electrical activity that occur when neurons (brain cells) communicate with each other and display brain functions and processes. Including areas involved in motor function, attention, perception and memory.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows changes in the outer (cortical) and inner (subcortical) areas of the brain in chronic concussion syndrome, post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Including reduced resting state or resting activity in the brain and changes in brain activation patterns. A study from 2020 has shown a significant reduction in functional connections between several external and internal areas. Including areas called the prefrontal cortex, superior parietal cortex and temporal cortex. These are areas that are important for, among other things, the coordination and processing of different sensory impressions, and coordination between them is important for good cognitive function and good ability to orient and move. Another study from 2019 used structural MRI (conventional MRI) to detect changes in the thickness of the outer parts of the brain in these areas in people with post-commotio syndrome.

Research using electroencephalography (EEG) has also shown functional changes in post-commotio syndrome. In 2019, changes were detected in both cortical and subcortical areas, with both increases and decreases in activity in different areas of the brain. These changes appear to be associated with impaired cognitive function in people with post-commotio syndrome. In addition, a previous study from 2018 shows that people with post-commotio syndrome have disturbances in cortical network dynamics, with a decrease in small world brain networks and increased modular organization.

Good changes to the brain's small world brain network involve adjustments to how neurons and their connections are organized so that information can be transferred efficiently and effortlessly. These changes can lead to increased information flow and improved cognitive function, and can be the result of learning, experience or healing processes after injury. Good regulation of this network contributes to neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to adapt to different situations and demands. Disruptive changes resulting from an injury, disease or developmental disorder reduce the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity, making it more challenging and energy demanding to adapt to new situations.    

Modular organization in the brain refers to the way neurons and their connections are grouped into separate but functionally related clusters, called modules. These modules are specialized to process different types of information or perform specific tasks. Modular organization contributes to efficient information processing, as modules can work independently while interacting with other modules when necessary. This network of modules enables rapid and flexible adaptation to new situations and learning experiences, contributing to neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to adapt and evolve. In people with post-commotio syndrome, there is increased modular organization, probably as a result of a number of compensatory mechanisms in an attempt to compensate for primary and secondary functional impairments.   

Function and dysfunction in the outer and inner parts of the brain.  

To gain a better understanding of what happens in the brain in a concussion and what causes the wide range of symptoms associated with a concussion, we need to review the functions of some of the areas of the brain and what happens to them in a head trauma. We will do this in part 2 of this article which will be published in a few weeks.   

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Kim Tore Johansen
July 6, 2023

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