Neurological examination

VNG (Video nystagmography)

VNG is an advanced computer-based test where we measure brain function by challenging the fine motor skills of targeted and reflexive eye movements. By challenging different types of eye movements and the ability to keep the eyes on a target, we get information about parts of the brain that are involved in several important functions. Including physical and mental reaction time, balance, coordination, sensory integration, and cognitive and executive function. VNG is therefore an important part of Brain Camp's neurological examination, and we test 5 different types of targeted eye movements and reflexes with VNG. Watch the video to learn more about how we also use VNG to confirm whether the brain and nervous system are responding as desired to the tailored neurological rehabilitation.

Kim Tore Johansen
May 8, 2024

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+47 21 04 77 69

Visiting address:

Brain Camp
Vestre Strandgate 42
5th floor
4612 Kristiansand
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