Neurological examination

Computerized posturography

Computerized posturography is an advanced computerized test that gives us important information about how the brain coordinates and processes different movement information from the balance organ in the inner ear, muscles and joints, and visual orientation. The test protocol includes tests that challenge static balance with eyes open and closed, with and without a balance pad, challenges with the neck rotated in different directions, Limit of Stability , and how the balance system functions under cognitive challenges.

These computer-based measurements provide very valuable information about the brain's functionality after injury or illness, and how the neurological rehabilitation can best be adapted. The measurements also act as an objective yardstick for how the brain and nervous system respond to the tailored neurological rehabilitation, and give us an indication of the expected recovery.

Kim Tore Johansen
December 6, 2024

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Brain Camp
Vestre Strandgate 42
5th floor
4612 Kristiansand
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